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School Council

Welcome to Thameside Primary School's School Council page!

We are a group of elected children from across the school, with 4 children representing each year group. Our aim is to make the school a better place to be, and we aim to make this happen by putting forward your ideas for change. We already have some very exciting ideas for the year ahead!

We meet regularly, often with our Head and Deputy Headteacher, to discuss issues that are important to our classmates. After each meeting, we give feedback on our classes in our class council meetings. We will also lead assemblies throughout the year to keep you up to date with what we've been working on. In the meantime, find out what we've been doing by visiting our display board outside the school office!

If you have any ideas about how we could improve the school, you can tell your school councillors or put it in the suggestion box in the office!

Miss Hitchcock and Miss Gulless