Wraparound Care & Clubs
In house Wraparound care Service (Breakfast Club & Aftercare)
At Thameside we offer a Wraparound facility for children and parents. Breakfast club runs Monday to Friday from 8am during term time. On offer to eat are a selection of cereals, toast and fruit. The cost is £3.50 per session per child.
Aftercare starts at 3.15pm and runs until 6pm. We also provide a light tea prepared by our school meals provider, Caterlink. We offer a balanced and healthy range of foods. We also provide for vegetarians and other dietary requirements. The cost is £12.50 per session per child. Fees are reviewed annually and adjusted in September each year.
Children are able to choose their own resources and activities at Wraparound. They have access to both inside and outside all year round after school. It is not a homework club, and we aim to ensure that children have a variety of fun activities to choose from.
Teaching Assistants and lunchtime staff from across the school work at After Care. Miss Roseaman is the Wraparound Service Team Manager.
For any queries regarding after care, please contact Miss Roseaman (Email: familyhub@thameside.reading.sch.uk). To check availability and register for a place in Breakfast Club or Aftercare, please contact Miss Lucas, School Business Manager: sbm@thameside.reading.sch.uk.
We also provide an 'ad hoc' after care session where you can book a session on the day for After Care. This is subject to availability on the day and is bookable via the main office or by calling 0118 937 5551.
Extended School Clubs
At Thameside we offer a range of extended school clubs. Morning clubs (starting in September 2024) are run in house Mon to Fri by Thameside staff. Please contact the school office for details and to check availability as these are limited to small groups of children each day.
Afternoon after-school clubs are predominantly run by external club providers, arranged by Miss Roseaman, our Wraparound care and Extended School Team Manager. Details of clubs that run each term are sent out to parents termly containing details of how to book. These include Jiggies Street Dance, Football, Multi sports, Art and Spanish Club.
School Holiday Clubs
We also work with uSports who provide holiday clubs during the holiday periods throughout the year. Click here for more details: Berkshire Holiday Camps (u-sports.co.uk)